Shapes the future of flying
MoDrone is an ethical company which creates reliable, secure and cost-effective solutions in the field of autonomous drone management.
Precise positioning, reliability, and prompt response time to customer needs have become major requirements in many business applications. By launching MoDrone we have created an innovative, advanced, and cost-effective drone module, with a platform that enables accurate, safe, and long-lasting flights. The MoDrone module combines three different features: precise positioning, wireless charging, and autonomous flight control and navigation. A fully managed cloud support system is implemented on an entirely solar energy-powered platform that includes CORS stations connected to the EPN network.
Autonomous flight control, precise positioning and navigation, battery capacity, regulatory and normative frameworks are the major obstacles to drone manufacturers.
The drone market lacks a unified solution that will overcome all the shortcomings pointed out by users. Our solution will significantly improve the autonomy of the entire UAS, enable precision up to cm level and enable wireless charging.
We managed to merge different technologies into one component that responds to the needs and pain points of the drone industry. In line with European Commission objectives and regulations, MoDrone will enable a new quantum leap in the EU drone market.
times increase in position accuracy
times increase in reliability
years of experience
MoDrone has a high degree of novelty, which combines and transcends state-of-the-art technologies into one product and at the same time addresses several of the most important requirements of the drone industry. MoDrone module is designed as plug and play device and does not require specific technical knowledge to be put in operation. It can be installed on almost any existing drone without additional technical requirements or adaptations. Our test results have demonstrated breakthrough innovation: 5x increase in reliability; up to 2x increase of high performance and high position accuracy, and an AI-IoT-empowered system that relies on short delivery and easy installation.
We created an advanced and cost-efficient drone module that will enable safe taking-off, fully autonomous navigation, landing, recharging and reaching another location if necessary. MoDrone is supported by a platform that enables precise, secure, and long-duration flights.
MoDrone responds simultaneously to multiple challenges and ensures the compliance with normative framework, but also with big variations in demand.
The global drone market is emerging and it is anticipated to exponentially grow at a CAGR of 13.8% from 2020 to 2025 and to reach 42.8 billion dollars by 2025. Increasing work efficiency and productivity, decreasing workload and production costs, improving accuracy, refining service and customer relations are a few of the top usages that drones offer industries globally. More businesses started to realize its potential, scope, and scale of global reach. The MoDrone module will create a new drone and drone upgrade market that will enhance the drone technology up to the 7th generation. MoDrone module will easily find application on drones deployed in precise agriculture, mapping and surveying, real estate and construction, logistics, transportation, and other industry sectors.
MoDrone company was created as a result of the joint work of people from the academic background who all share the same vision: to enable the presence of every person at any point of the Earth in a safe, accurate and reliable way. Our dynamic and ambitious team is based in Montenegro, but with roots all over the Europe. It is composed of PhD members with long-term experience in the fields of computer science, engineering, mathematics, statistics, economics, finance, etc.

Kruna Ratković
Co-founder & COO

Marko Simeunović
Co-founder & CTO

Nataša Kovač
Co-founder & CSO
We believe that in the right hands the technology can open the door beyond impossible.
Take your chance and fly with us.
Invitation to Tender for the project ALARMslide
Inovativna kompanija MoDrone, u sklopu projekta „An AI/IoT-based fully qualified sensor system development for real-time monitoring of a landslide – ALARMslide: contract 940-4/23”, ima potrebu za nabavkom senzorske opreme i komunikacionih usluga i RTK...
Invitation to Tender for the project IndoorTech
Inovativna kompanija MoDrone, u sklopu projekta „Innovative Indoor Technology for Smart Management- IndoorTech: contract POC-001-24 u okviru poziva “Provjera inovativnog koncepta”- Fond za inovacije Crne Gore”, ima potrebu za nabavkom senzorske, mikrokontrolerske...
Invitation to tender for DRP0200783 GeoNetSee – AI processing infrastructure
Dear Madam/Sir, I am pleased to inform you that you are invited to take part in the single tender procedure for the above supply contract. The complete tender dossier includes: Instructions to tenderers Draft contract General conditions Technical specifications +...
KTE DELTA: AI-based algorithm for optimized 3D drone flight path planning (H2020 Smart4ALL), 2022
Partner: Banki Donat Faculty of Mechanical and Safety Engineering, Obuda University Description: DELTA experiment exchanges knowledge and experience between Obuda University (OU) and MoDrone (MoD). MoD company creates reliable, secure and cost-effective solutions...
INSPIRE: Motivational event to encourage the implementation of industry-applicable innovations, Science and Innovation Days in Montenegro, 2022
Supported by: Ministry of Science and Technological Development Description: The aim of the INSPIRE project is to present, through different types of activities, the innovative DELTA and ASPIRE projects, as well as advanced technologies, to different target groups:...
Geosensor Validation: Validating geosensor technology for monitoring landslides at Topliš, Budva, Innovation voucher of the Innovation Fund of Montenegro, 2023
Partner: Faculty of Civil Engineering, University of Montenegro Description: The MoDrone company recognized the need to develop GNSS geosensors for monitoring the movement of landslides in real time, on the basis of which they will signal disputed situations in...
ViTech: Vision Technology for Cyber-Physical Systems in Peri-urban Agriculture, PAE (H2020 Smart4ALL), 2023
Partner: Faculty of Technical Sciences, University of Novi Sad, Serbia Description: The PAE ViTech will deal with the implementation of research results obtained at the Faculty of Technical Sciences (FTN) from the field of AI-enabled cyber physical systems embedded...
IZLET: Addressing the challenges of implementing unmanned aerial vehicles, Science and Innovation Days in Montenegro, 2023
Supported by: Ministry of Science and Technological Development Description: The IZLET project will provide participants with a detailed insight into the world of unmanned aerial vehicles and autopilot technology, while promoting innovation and development in this...
ALARMslide: Development of a fully qualified AI/IoT-based sensor system for real-time landslide monitoring (940-4/23), Innovation Fund of Montenegro, 2024-2025
Description: The project ALARMslide aims to revolutionize geosensor technology for the continuous monitoring of unstable terrain and artificial structures. The ALARMslide will propel innovation in the field of geodetic monitoring, by developing an Artificial...
GeoNetSee: An AI/IoT-based system of geosensor networks for real-time monitoring of unstable terrain and artificial structures (DRP0200783), Danube Region Interreg Programme, 2024-2026
Partners:School of Electrical Engineering, University of Belgrade, SerbiaGeological Institute of Romania, RomaniaFaculty of Technical Sciences, University of Novi Sad, SerbiaGeosolutions ltd, SerbiaGeological Survey of Federation of Bosnia and Herzegovina, Bosnia...
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