SmartGNSS: GNSS-based IoT System for Smart Monitoring of Landslides and Agriculture Applications
The SmartGNSS project introduces a groundbreaking GNSS-based IoT system, designed to deliver precision and reliability for geospatial applications. Developed through cross-border collaboration among Montenegro, Croatia, and Bosnia and Herzegovina, SmartGNSS is set...
IndoorTech: Innovative Indoor Technology for Smart Management
The IndoorTech project is an advanced AI/IoT-driven solution designed to redefine how hotels and residential spaces are managed. Developed by MoDrone, IndoorTech integrates cutting-edge artificial intelligence with IoT technologies, creating a system that goes...
Enhancing Precision Positioning in Montenegro: The MoDrone CORS Project
The successful realization of this innovative commercial project by MoDrone marks a significant milestone in developing precise positioning services across Montenegro. At its core is the installation of a permanent Continuously Operating Reference Station (CORS),...
SensorGuard: Sensor solutions for monitoring and predicting geological phenomena, Science and Innovation Days in Montenegro, 2024
Supported by: Ministry of Education, Science and Innovation Description: By organizing educational workshops and demonstrating innovative solutions that the MoDrone company is developing as part of the GeoNetSee and ALARMslide projects, the SensorGuard project will...
GeoNetSee: An AI/IoT-based system of geosensor networks for real-time monitoring of unstable terrain and artificial structures (DRP0200783), Danube Region Interreg Programme, 2024-2026
Partners:School of Electrical Engineering, University of Belgrade, SerbiaGeological Institute of Romania, RomaniaFaculty of Technical Sciences, University of Novi Sad, SerbiaGeosolutions ltd, SerbiaGeological Survey of Federation of Bosnia and Herzegovina, Bosnia...
ALARMslide: Development of a fully qualified AI/IoT-based sensor system for real-time landslide monitoring (940-4/23), Innovation Fund of Montenegro, 2024-2025
Description: The project ALARMslide aims to revolutionize geosensor technology for the continuous monitoring of unstable terrain and artificial structures. The ALARMslide will propel innovation in the field of geodetic monitoring, by developing an Artificial...
IZLET: Addressing the challenges of implementing unmanned aerial vehicles, Science and Innovation Days in Montenegro, 2023
Supported by: Ministry of Science and Technological Development Description: The IZLET project will provide participants with a detailed insight into the world of unmanned aerial vehicles and autopilot technology, while promoting innovation and development in this...
ViTech: Vision Technology for Cyber-Physical Systems in Peri-urban Agriculture, PAE (H2020 Smart4ALL), 2023
Partner: Faculty of Technical Sciences, University of Novi Sad, Serbia Description: The PAE ViTech will deal with the implementation of research results obtained at the Faculty of Technical Sciences (FTN) from the field of AI-enabled cyber physical systems embedded...
Geosensor Validation: Validating geosensor technology for monitoring landslides at Topliš, Budva, Innovation voucher of the Innovation Fund of Montenegro, 2023
Partner: Faculty of Civil Engineering, University of Montenegro Description: The MoDrone company recognized the need to develop GNSS geosensors for monitoring the movement of landslides in real time, on the basis of which they will signal disputed situations in...
INSPIRE: Motivational event to encourage the implementation of industry-applicable innovations, Science and Innovation Days in Montenegro, 2022
Supported by: Ministry of Science and Technological Development Description: The aim of the INSPIRE project is to present, through different types of activities, the innovative DELTA and ASPIRE projects, as well as advanced technologies, to different target groups:...
KTE DELTA: AI-based algorithm for optimized 3D drone flight path planning (H2020 Smart4ALL), 2022
Partner: Banki Donat Faculty of Mechanical and Safety Engineering, Obuda University Description: DELTA experiment exchanges knowledge and experience between Obuda University (OU) and MoDrone (MoD). MoD company creates reliable, secure and cost-effective solutions...
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